The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Opportunities and the Perceived Risk of Unemployment on Employee Workplace Well-Being


  • Riaheen Farzana The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
  • Xin Liu The University of North Carolina at Pembroke



management, artificial intelligence opportunity perception, unemployment risk perception, employees’ workplace well-being, informal learning in the workplace


Based on the transactional theory of stress, people tend to adopt problem-oriented coping styles when they feel there are opportunities in the situation and can benefit from them. Positive effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on labor include increased income for certain management and skilled positions as well as the creation of new job opportunities. However, among its drawbacks are the jobs it replaces, which causes unemployment. According to resource conservation theory, concerns about job stability and persistence trigger the process of resource consumption, which wears people out emotionally (Xu,, 2023). The study results provide the relationship among Artificial Intelligence (AI) opportunity perception, employees’ workplace well-being (WWB) and Informal Learning in the Workplace (ILW).


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How to Cite

Farzana, R., & Liu, X. (2024). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Opportunities and the Perceived Risk of Unemployment on Employee Workplace Well-Being. American Journal of Management, 24(4).


