Do AI-Based Voice Assistants Influence Brand Continuous Usage? The Mediating Role of AI-Driven Customer Experience


  • George Cudjoe Agbemabiese University of Professional Studies, Accra
  • Michael Boadi Nyamekye University of Professional Studies, Accra
  • Juliana Aku Shika Andoh University of Professional Studies, Accra
  • Mohammed Muniru Husseini University of Professional Studies, Accra



business, economics, artificial intelligence, AI-based voice assistants, customer experience, continuous usage, mobile phone brand


This study aimed to assess the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) voice assistant (VA) on customer experience, resulting in the continuous use of mobile brands. Specifically, this article assesses the role of hedonic, utilitarian, and social benefits provided by AIVA on customer experience and continuous usage of a mobile phone brand. Using a primary data collection instrument, the quantitative approach was adopted to examine the study’s variables. Data from 348 valid responses were used for the analysis based on structural equation modeling (SEM) with AMOS version 23. Three main factors were identified to influence customer experience, which results in continuous usage of a mobile phone brand. These factors are social benefits, hedonic benefits, and utilitarian benefits. In conclusion, a significant and positive relationship exists between AI-enabled customer experience and brand continuous usage. It recommended that mobile brands consider and research their prospects’ and customers’ social, hedonic, and utilitarian needs to provide them with desired products and experiences.


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How to Cite

Agbemabiese, G. C., Nyamekye, M. B., Andoh, J. A. S., & Husseini, M. M. (2024). Do AI-Based Voice Assistants Influence Brand Continuous Usage? The Mediating Role of AI-Driven Customer Experience. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 26(2).


