The Role of Innovation-Driven Leadership in Public-Sector Innovation: The Case in Emerging Economies


  • Sabah Al-Maazmi Hamdan Bin Mohammad Smart University
  • M. Anaam Hashmi Minnesota State University, Mankato



business, economics, innovation, public sector, leadership, culture, emerging economies, UAE


Public sector organizations today must confront a steady stream of challenges, push against the status quo, and to be creative in capturing opportunities to effectively serve the public. Emerging economies’ public sector organizations have been slow to adopt change or innovate. Using the UAE as a case study, this study provides valuable insights into the relationship between innovation-driven leadership and innovation in public-sector organizations in emerging economies. Utilizing qualitative data from sixteen government and semi-government organizations’ leaders, the results indicate that innovation-driven leadership is essential in developing a culture of innovation and transformational leadership style is the more effective leadership style.


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How to Cite

Al-Maazmi, S., & Hashmi, M. A. (2024). The Role of Innovation-Driven Leadership in Public-Sector Innovation: The Case in Emerging Economies. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 26(2).


