A New Tool in the Battle against Global Bribery


  • Kurt Stanberry University of Houston Downtown




business, economics, corruption, bribery, competition, extraterritorial


This is a policy paper that analyzes a significant new development in U.S. regulatory policy designed to enhance the effort to fight global corruption. In a bold attempt to protect and promote fair competition in the global economy, the U.S. has provided government regulators with a powerful new tool. In a reversal of previous policy, the U.S. now allows prosecutors to go after foreign officials who demand bribes, even if the act of bribery occurred outside the United States. The use of this new anti-bribery tool is considered a major political and ethical development in the field of international business.


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How to Cite

Stanberry, K. (2024). A New Tool in the Battle against Global Bribery. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 26(2). https://doi.org/10.33423/jabe.v26i2.7048


