Engaging Customers Towards Mobile Application Brand Attachment and Advocacy: Multigroup Analysis of Generational Differences


  • Sheikh Mohammad Fauzul Azim Independent University Bangladesh
  • Sawda Mahbuba Rahman BRAC University
  • Nabid Alam Troy University
  • Tahmina Sultana Troy University
  • Mostofa Wahid Soykoth Louisiana State University
  • Suranjeet Chowdhury Avik Textile Engineering Lab




business, economics, technology customer engagement, mobile service quality, brand attachment, brand advocacy, mobile banking, generational gap theory


Technology service providers face challenges regarding the varying degrees of customer engagement of app-based services, and this phenomenon warrants an in-depth investigation. This research examines the antecedents and consequences of technology customer engagement and how generational differences play a role in the context of mobile banking applications. This research advances the current understanding by identifying mobile service quality dimensions as key determinants, proposing technology customer engagement as a significant driver of brand attachment and advocacy, and finding the moderating impact of the generational gap. This study guides technology service providers in creating a strategy to engage customers towards app-based services.


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How to Cite

Azim, S. M. F., Rahman, S. M., Alam, N., Sultana, T., Soykoth, M. W., & Avik, S. C. (2024). Engaging Customers Towards Mobile Application Brand Attachment and Advocacy: Multigroup Analysis of Generational Differences. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 26(3). https://doi.org/10.33423/jabe.v26i3.7099


