Resistance to Change or Transformation After Involuntary Unemployment and Underemployment: A Theoretical Model


  • Debra Beazley University of Lynchburg



business, economics, involuntary unemployment, underemployment, compromised employment, mandatory retirement, posttraumatic change, alpha state, beta state, new alpha state, resistance, adaptation, transformation


Significant changes in workplace strategy or economic instability can lead individuals into emotional and spiritual crises, triggering identity transformations. This paper explores the effects of involuntary unemployment, underemployment, compromised employment, and mandatory retirement, referred to as involuntary second-order employment disruptions, on personal identity. Drawing from theories of quantum personal change and positive psychology, the paper discusses how these changes can lead to emotional and spiritual distress, akin to a “dark night of the soul,” potentially resulting in posttraumatic transformation. The transition through this crisis involves stages of resistance and adaptation, ultimately leading to a profound shift in identity and purpose. The process includes disengagement, disidentification, disenchantment, and disorientation, which can create significant psychological challenges, and involuntary opportunities for spiritual growth and self-actualization. The paper proposes that these employment disruptions are catalysts for deep personal transformation, highlighting the importance of managing such transitions effectively to foster resilience and positive outcomes.


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How to Cite

Beazley, D. (2024). Resistance to Change or Transformation After Involuntary Unemployment and Underemployment: A Theoretical Model. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 26(3).


