Workplace Diversity: Hidden Treasure for Boosting Organizational Performance


  • Inessa Korovyakovskaya Savannah State University



business, economics


Today, many organizations recognize the significant impact of workplace diversity on performance outcomes at all organizational levels. Managers and leaders have embraced differences in organizational workforce members through diversity management initiatives, training and programs that yield competitive advantages. The present study contributes to the extant research by developing a new conceptual model that demonstrates relationships between workplace diversity and organizational performance as mediated by diversity management and moderated by multi-level organizational variables. A strong relationship between workforce diversity and excellence in organizational outcomes has grown constantly during the last decade. Practical implications and recommendations are discussed.


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How to Cite

Korovyakovskaya, I. (2024). Workplace Diversity: Hidden Treasure for Boosting Organizational Performance. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 26(4).


