An Integrated Stochastic Optimization and Simulation Approach to SERU vs. Assembly Line Manufacturing Systems
business, economics, cellular manufacturing, assembly lines, skilled workers, optimization, discrete event simulation, production systemsAbstract
This research compares SERU manufacturing systems to traditional assembly lines, focusing on the impact of uncertainty in task processing time on production output. The study considers worker skill levels and team identity, using a stochastic mixed integer linear programming approach to model uncertainty and optimize workforce allocation. Discrete event simulation is then integrated to evaluate performance using five key performance indicators (KPIs). Results show that SERU systems outperform traditional lines in terms of throughput when uncertainty is considered. The integrated approach provides more reliable performance data than deterministic optimization alone. The study also highlights the advantages of SERU systems when worker skill levels and team identity are factored in. This research fills a gap in the literature by proposing a stochastic optimization approach that considers uncertainty and worker skill levels, and by integrating stochastic optimization with simulation for comprehensive analysis. This approach provides valuable guidance for production managers in optimizing production systems.
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