The Influence of Fashion Creep on Dress Etiquette: Is Your Organization Marked Safe?
business, economics, dress codes, external conformity theory, impression management, signaling theory, business etiquette attireAbstract
As consumers navigate a world increasingly influenced by digital media, globalization, and progressive social norms, their fashion choices often serve as a form of personal expression and identity. Though individuals are encouraged to exercise freedom of expression, certain espoused fashion statements in public settings challenge socially acceptable societal norms and business etiquette. Thus, business etiquette and historical trends are marked “unsafe” from the ever-changing fashion industry trends. Evolutions in fashion and variations in cultural trends continue to challenge traditional dress norms in the workplace, formal public establishments, and classrooms across America. If inconsistent with organizational norms, these changes influence unfavorable perceptions of constituents and the respective organizations. Managing these impressions becomes critical for decision-makers desiring to protect an organization’s reputation and brand image. This paper explores the underlying dynamics shaping dressing norms, the paradigm shift, influences on professional attire, and outcomes associated with style selections. To embrace the changes and protect company images, we recommend continuous evaluation and reinforcement of dress code policies. We examine External Conformity Theory and Impression.
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