Investor Perception of Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSiR) and Investing Decisions


  • Janis K. Zaima Menlo College
  • Marianne Marar Yacobian Menlo College
  • Frances Turner Ithaca College



accounting, finance, corporate social irresponsibility, behavioral finance, behavioral investment decisions


The study examines a behavioral finance paradigm, where investors incorporate emotional/expressive and financial factors. The impact of emotional ties to the firm’s products and an expressive factor such as corporate social irresponsibility (CSiR) are examined to determine whether their investment decisions are based on them. We find that investors make decisions that are wealth maximizing as well as emotional/expressive. Moreover, we find that our respondents believe corporate profits should not come from using the cheapest labor nor from engaging in CSiR behavior, and they would be less likely to invest in such a firm.


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How to Cite

Zaima, J. K., Yacobian, M. M., & Turner, F. (2024). Investor Perception of Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSiR) and Investing Decisions. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 24(4).


