Investing in Timberlands Versus the S&P 500: Which Investment Outperforms?


  • Jason Brown University of Central Arkansas
  • K. Michael Casey University of Central Arkansas
  • Mark McMurtrey University of Central Arkansas



accounting, finance, investments, forestry, S&P 500, timberland, investing, risk


Investing money has been a popular way to build wealth for generations. It benefits not only the investor, but society as a whole. Companies are able to use these funds to invest in capital equipment, labor, and new production techniques. This paper shows an analysis involving the investment in timberland as a way to increase one’s fortune. The lead author is employed in the timberland industry on a daily basis, and their insights are presented from a ground-level view. Risks and benefits are discussed, and a comparative analysis of investing in timberland versus the S&P 500 Index is outlined.


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How to Cite

Brown, J., Casey, K. M., & McMurtrey, M. (2024). Investing in Timberlands Versus the S&P 500: Which Investment Outperforms?. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 24(4).


