A Generational Preference for Preferred Work Arrangement and the Relationship With Employee Engagement and Turnover Intention


  • Christopher J. Muniz Wayland Baptist University
  • Janet S. Jones Wayland Baptist University
  • Samantha R. Murray Wayland Baptist University




business, diversity, generational differences, preferred work arrangements, engagement, turnover intention


The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of generational preferred work arrangements and the impact on employee engagement and turnover intent. Through analysis of 252 participant responses, this study examined differences between generational cohorts currently in the workforce with regard to engagement, preferred work arrangement and turnover intention. Results indicated a difference in employee engagement among Baby Boomers, Millennials, and Generation Z workers, but no differences in preferred work arrangement and intent to stay with the organization. However, there was a difference in Generation X employees’ preferred work arrangement and intent to stay.


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How to Cite

Muniz, C. J., Jones, J. S., & Murray, S. R. (2024). A Generational Preference for Preferred Work Arrangement and the Relationship With Employee Engagement and Turnover Intention. Journal of Business Diversity, 24(3). https://doi.org/10.33423/jbd.v24i3.7257


