Female Founding: An Institutional Theory Perspective on the Effect of Gender-Specific Prejudices in Germany


  • Andreas Walkenhorst Accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg, Accadis Institute of Entrepreneurship
  • Christian Sturm Accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg, Accadis Institute of Entrepreneurship
  • Natalie Westarp Accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg




business diversity, entrepreneurship, female entrepreneurship, institutional theory, prejudice, discrimination


This research is focused on whether female entrepreneurs face institutional discrimination based on prejudices. Therefore, in consideration of the institutional theory, this paper aims to clarify how informal institutions, such as norms, values and attitudes of society impact female entrepreneurship. To visualize these informal norms, values and attitudes of society towards women, common prejudices against women were utilized.

In-depth interviews with female entrepreneurs (n = 19) were conducted and an inductive qualitative analysis was performed to examine the extent to which societal perceptions and attitudes, expressed through prejudices, regarding the education and entrepreneurial skills of women, influence the motivation and self-perception of female entrepreneurs.

The results revealed that the analyzed prejudices represent obsolete social perceptions against women without validity and justification. However, the results demonstrate the negative influence – directly or indirectly – of prejudices on the behavior, career choices, motivation, and self-perception of female entrepreneurs. The results provide possible explanations for the differences between women and men in entrepreneurship and thus advance the discussion on the underrepresentation of women in entrepreneurial settings.


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How to Cite

Walkenhorst, A., Sturm, C., & Westarp, N. (2024). Female Founding: An Institutional Theory Perspective on the Effect of Gender-Specific Prejudices in Germany . Journal of Business Diversity, 24(3). https://doi.org/10.33423/jbd.v24i3.7406


