of Higher Education Theory and Practice2025-01-19T22:29:54-05:00JHETP Editorjhetp@nabpress.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">The <strong>Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice (JHETP)</strong> is dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of academic and intellectual knowledge by publishing, through a blind, refereed process, ongoing results of research in accordance with international scientific and scholarly standards. Articles should combine disciplinary methods with key insight to contemporary issues central to students, faculty, administrators, and industry specialists. Articles of regional interest are welcome, especially those dealing with lessons that may be applied in other regions around the world. Accepted manuscripts should make strong empirical and/or theoretical contributions and highlight the significance of those contributions to the higher education field.</p> Virtual Learners: Moving Classroom as Organization Online2025-01-01T06:36:24-05:00Debby Thomasdthomas@georgefox.eduStacie F. ChappellStacie.Chappell@viu.caRay<p>The global shift toward online learning and remote work necessitated the transition of a highly experiential course to a virtual environment, challenging the assumption that Classroom-as-Organization (CAO), a teaching methodology designed to foster student engagement, skill development and deep learning, is limited to face-to-face (F2F) delivery. This article explores the process of adapting CAO’s interactive and immersive elements for online platforms, addressing both the challenges and opportunities presented by this transition. By reviewing the CAO literature, which predominantly focuses on F2F applications, we reflect on the complexities of translating such a dynamic pedagogy to online learning and propose potential avenues for future research on the effectiveness of CAO in virtual settings.</p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Learning Styles and Metacognitive Awareness as Predictors of Problem-Solving Abilities in Mathematics Among Elementary Pre-Service Teachers2025-01-01T07:26:00-05:00Hazel P.<p>This study examined the influence of learning styles and metacognitive awareness on mathematics problem-solving skills among elementary pre-service teachers. Using total enumeration sampling procedure, this study included 290 respondents. Questionnaires on Problem-solving abilities and metacognitive skills were utilized as research instruments. Anchored on Learning Styles Theoretical Model (Kolb, 1984), Mathematics Problem-Solving Knowledge for Teaching framework (MPSKT) popularized by Chapman (2015), and the General Theory of In-the-Moment Decision Making (Schoenfeld, 2010; 2013), descriptive analysis was used in determining the perceived learning styles and problem-solving abilities through JAMOVI to descriptively define means and standard deviation associated with variables being examined. A multiple linear regression analysis was performed to determine whether learning styles and metacognitive awareness could predict respondents’ problem-solving abilities. Findings showed that learning styles and metacognitive awareness are positive predictors of problem-solving abilities in mathematics. Furthermore, the study provides teacher education students with learning insights for developing better learning strategies.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice STEM Student Success Through Leveraging Technology and Providing Just-In-Time Content Remotely Accessible2025-01-01T07:30:27-05:00Mary Jo Parkerparkerm@uhd.eduLing Xuxul@uhd.eduKatarina Jegdicjegdick@uhd.eduTing ZhangZhangtin@uhd.eduKatherine<p>This project, Boosting STEM Student Success (award#P120A210015), focuses on the four years of collegiate experience and three summers during the freshman through junior years of study. The project aims to enhance STEM student success by leveraging “just in time" learning, a method where individuals access information and training when needed, in a self-paced manner. This approach is gaining popularity as seen in platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Facebook Groups, and YouTube. The project will create asynchronous content available anytime, along with a virtual reality component to enhance the learning experience. The goal is to provide students with active learning opportunities and just in time feedback to address their questions and reinforce their understanding. This project recognizes the importance of active engagement in STEM fields and the need to provide students with the tools and resources they need to succeed.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice“Why Doesn’t He Care About Me?” Intercultural Misunderstandings Between Chinese Doctoral Students and Their Malaysian Supervisors2025-01-01T07:36:36-05:00Xixi Luluxixi@graduate.utm.myHadina<p>Addressing intercultural misunderstandings has become crucial with the rise in students pursuing doctoral studies overseas. This study examines the factors contributing to intercultural misunderstandings and the processes by which they arise. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 Chinese doctoral students from various disciplines. Through thematic analysis, key factors leading to misunderstandings were gender, language, social culture, research culture, and communication style. Furthermore, guided by expectancy violation theory, the study develops a framework for understanding how misunderstandings arise. It enriches existing literature by examining intercultural misunderstandings in the Asian higher education context and highlights future directions for exploring strategies to mitigate them.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Transboundary Role of Higher Education Institutions for Public Administration in Times of Crisis: A Case-Study From the Russia-Ukraine War2025-01-01T07:41:37-05:00Andreea Stoian Karadeliandreea.stoiankaradeli@utrgv.eduCecilio<p>The Russian invasion of Ukraine unfolded a series of overlapping crisis, revealing severe governmental weaknesses at national, regional, and global level, and posing important challenges to vital pillars of our society. This paper provides a reflexive study aiming to challenge a broader discussion regarding possible policies, practices or solutions to public administration and management challenges during crisis: how do we organize to deal with the levels of complexity, uncertainty and extreme operating conditions brought about by the so called “transboundary crisis”?</p> <p>The contextual analysis identifies the main challenges for public administration and management in the conflict zone during the current war; for assessing the response of the national governmental body’s functions coping with the continuous assaults; and for discussing the role of higher education institutions work as bridges for internal and international cooperation, while providing a real-life model of leadership, management, and governance during crisis with their own communities.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Standardized Testing and Access in a Community College Radiography Program2025-01-01T07:45:41-05:00Angela Thomasmbartlet@odu.eduMichelle E. Bartlettmbartlet@odu.eduJames E. Bartlett,<p>Increasing demand for radiography professionals, declining participation and completion rates of programs indicated the need to explore program admission processes to increase access. We examined demographics, TEAS test scores, completion rates, and pass rates of students, relationship between student demographics and TEAS test scores, relationship between TEAS test scores and student success as measured by completion when controlling for demographics, relationship between TEAS test scores and success of students as measured by the registry pass rate documentation when controlling for demographics, and explore differences in race, gender, and socioeconomic when TEAS scores were used in admissions and the group when TEAS scores were not used. Using logistic regression, data from the radiography program cohorts of 2013–2019 were examined finding no significant associations with demographic characteristics and student success outcome variables. Results indicated that the TEAS score was the only significant predictor of program completion for the pre-2019 cohorts, however lacked significance for the 2019 cohort. Findings suggest that weighted GPA is a better predictor of success than TEAS scores.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice Teaching Delivery Methods for Generation Z2025-01-01T07:51:04-05:00Denise GochenouerDenise.Gochenouer@smsu.eduHeather RickgarnHeather.Rickgarn@smsu.eduLei<p>This paper is an empirical study of Generation Z undergraduate business students (n=227) from a small liberal arts and a R1 University in the Midwest. The research question included an exploration of the students’ e-learning and technology adoption, and communication preferences, with professors to facilitate their e-learning. Several e-learning techniques were examined to determine student preference. Studies have shown that Generation Z students have a very short attention span and increasingly use online sources to access information (Sparks et al., 2017; Purcell et al., 2012). However, the same students indicated they preferred using the physical textbooks and favored working alone.</p>2025-01-01T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice an Assessment Module in Distance Education at the University of Pretoria2025-01-01T07:55:52-05:00Maryke<p>The study aimed to describe many aspects of a Distance Education (DE) assessment course at the University of Pretoria. The researcher wanted to examine how the course evolved from pre- to post-COVID-19. This included looking at the content and assessment of the module, as well as the pedagogy and technology used, using the TPACK framework. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative case study, with semi-structured interviews with the tutors and administrators of DE and Google Form surveys for the 30 students that took part. They commented on the DE management, the Blackboard LMS, the tutors' pedagogy and the course’s content and assessment. The management of DE was described as successful, and the students liked the content of the assessment module as well as the assignments and pedagogy of the tutors. The students and tutors suggested possible improvements in the content and assignments. The Blackboard LMS was described as easy to use, but some students experienced problems with connectivity and lack of data.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Self-Handicapping, and Social Desirability: A Mediational Analysis2025-01-19T22:29:54-05:00Valentin Fenouilletfabienfenouillet@yahoo.frGuillaume R.<p>This research investigates the mediational role of social desirability in the relationship between self-esteem and self-handicap. The aim is to understand the impact of the two dimensions of social desirability on the tendency to self-handicap. Using Baron and Kenny’s (1986) four-step procedure, 180 freshmen in sports science at the University of the French Antilles completed online surveys on self-esteem, social desirability, and self-handicap. Quantitative analysis shows that the self-deception dimension of social desirability is a partial mediator of this relationship, consistent with the idea that excuses and self-handicapping behaviors are not aligned with social norms.</p>2025-01-19T00:00:00-05:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice