Turning America Around: Learning about Ethical Leadership from Hosea


  • Hershey H. Friedman Brooklyn College of the City University of New York


Leadership, Ethics, Accounting


There are those who claim America is being torn apart by various issues ranging from race to income inequality. America does appear to be in trouble; the middle class has shrunk to 50% of the adult population. We are no longer the “land of opportunity” we think we are; a child born in the bottom quintile of income in the United States only has only 4% chance of rising to the top quintile. The number of corporate scandals ranging from irregular accounting to inversions to defective automobile parts continues unabated. This paper shows how one verse in Hosea provides the secret ingredients of success for both organizations as well as countries. Hosea was among the greatest prophets. Indeed, he had to undergo one of Scriptures most difficult torments, a personal suffering that paralleled God’s own distress. If America desires to continue in its role as leader of the free world, it has to follow the recommendations embraced by Hosea, the prophet of repentance.




How to Cite

Friedman, H. H. (2016). Turning America Around: Learning about Ethical Leadership from Hosea. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 13(2). Retrieved from https://articlegateway.com/index.php/JLAE/article/view/1920


