Influential Article Review - Consequences of Corporate Governance on Economic Performance: An Critical Evaluation of Governance and Social Reporting Restructurings in India


  • Gerardo Briggs
  • Delbert Adkins


Corporate governance, Corporate governance and social responsibility reforms, Financial performance


This paper examines corporate governance. We present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: Currently the corporate governance reforms in India are at cross roads where though the intention behind the reforms is good yet there is a need to look for a complete solution addressing country specific challenges in Indian context. Keeping pace with developments at international level, India also introduced reforms for improving corporate, social and environmental disclosures. This paper explores the effectiveness of these corporate governance reforms by analyzing the corporate governance practices followed by Indian companies in two reform periods (FY 2012–13 as Period 1) and (FY 2015–16 as Period 2). Considering mandatory regulations as per clause 49 of Listing agreement with Securities exchange board of India and the governance norms in the new Company Act, 2013, a corporate governance performance (CGP) index is developed to measure corporate governance score of Indian companies. Though there is a significant improvement in corporate governance structures implied by Indian companies, the number of independent directors inducted in the board decreases after the reforms in period 2. All the sectors under study show a significant improvement in following corporate governance practices after the reforms. The study reported a significant relationship between integrated framework of total corporate social performance and financial performance only in period 1. Corporate governance reforms do not impact financial linkages in Indian market in period 2. For our overseas readers, we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German.




How to Cite

Briggs, G., & Adkins, D. (2019). Influential Article Review - Consequences of Corporate Governance on Economic Performance: An Critical Evaluation of Governance and Social Reporting Restructurings in India. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 16(6). Retrieved from


