Navigating Energy Transition and Leadership


  • Ignazio Arces



leadership, ethics, climate change, energy transition


The energy transition represents one of the most profound challenges of our time, encompassing technological and economic shifts and significant ethical and human considerations. This paper explores the intersection of humanistic leadership and ethical frameworks, specifically the philosophies of Immanuel Kant and John Rawls, as essential tools for navigating this transition. Humanistic leadership, rooted in dignity, empathy, and relational trust, provides a framework for addressing the human-centric challenges of the energy sector. Con-currently, the ethical perspectives of Kant’s universality and Rawls’ difference principle offer robust lenses to ensure fairness and sustainability in decision-making processes.

By integrating these approaches, alongside practical strategies such as sense-making and the archetypal insights from the 'Lesson of Enea,' this paper argues for a holistic leader-ship paradigm that fosters equitable and sustainable outcomes for present and future generations.


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How to Cite

Arces, I. (2025). Navigating Energy Transition and Leadership. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 22(1).


