How and When Technostress Predicts Abusive Supervisor Behavior in Remote Work: An Integrative Theoretical Framework
leadership, accountability, ethics, technostress, remote work, abusive supervision, negative emotions, personality, moral traitsAbstract
Technostress has become prevalent among employees due to the rise of remote work. While there is a plethora of research on the outcomes of technostress, its impact on abusive supervisor behavior has not been thoroughly explored. This study uses the transactional theory of stress and coping to propose a framework explaining how technostress can lead to abusive supervisor behavior in the context of remote work. The framework suggests that supervisors experience anxiety and anger as a result of technostress, which can lead them to engage in abusive behavior as a way of coping with these negative emotions. The study also suggests that supervisors' personality and moral traits can influence the relationship between technostress and abusive behavior. This framework contributes to understanding abusive supervision and expands the research on its causes and boundary conditions.
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