A Quantitative Analysis of Leadership Styles and Organisational Culture: A Data-Driven Study of the South Carolina Army National Guard
leadership, accountability, ethics, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, laissez-faire leadership, organisational culture, military culture, subordinates, SCARINGAbstract
The National Guard in South Carolina has a rich culture of organised militiamen, with leadership playing a crucial role in shaping organisational culture. The study investigates the relationship between leadership styles (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire) and organisational culture within the SCARNG, using the Competing Values Framework to identify dominant cultural dimensions. The study found a significant negative correlation between transformational and Clan culture, a positive correlation between transformational and Adhocracy culture, and a positive correlation between transactional and Adhocracy culture. Transformational leadership style predicted Clan, Market, and Hierarchy culture, while transactional leadership positively impacted market and hierarchy cultures. Laissez-faire leadership did not significantly affect any of the organisational cultures examined. The findings suggest that leadership styles play a crucial role in shaping organisational culture, with transformational and transactional leadership being more effective than laissez-faire leadership in fostering desired cultural outcomes.
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