Examining the Relationship between Community Orientation and Hospital Financial Performance


  • J’Aime C. Jennings University of Louisville
  • Amy Y. Landry University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Larry R. Hearld University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Scott W. Snyder University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Robert Weech-Maldonado University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Patricia A. Patrician University of Alabama at Birmingham


Organizational Psychology, AHRF, CMS Cost report, AHA Annual Survey, Financial


A community orientation strategy may be a socially responsible way for hospitals to simultaneously improve financial performance and community health, in accordance with the Affordable Care Act. Using data from the AHA Annual Survey, AHRF, and CMS Cost Reports, this study examined the association between hospital community orientation and three measures of financial performance, and whether that relationship differs for some types of hospitals. The analysis revealed that hospital community orientation was positively associated with total margin and that not-for-profit hospitals engaging in higher levels of community orientation experienced lower operating margins, on average, relative to for-profit hospitals




How to Cite

Jennings, J. C., Landry, A. Y., Hearld, L. R., Snyder, S. W., Weech-Maldonado, R., & Patrician, P. A. (2017). Examining the Relationship between Community Orientation and Hospital Financial Performance. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 17(2). Retrieved from https://articlegateway.com/index.php/JOP/article/view/1683


