About the Journal

About the Journal

The International Journal of Business Anthropology (IJBA), is a double blinded peer reviewed journal, focusing upon business anthropology supported by the College of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University; School of History and Culture, Jishou University; the Institute of Business Anthropology, Shantou University; Center for Social and Economic Behavior Studies, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, China.

Given the rapid growth of business anthropology, a journal dedicated to the field is much needed. Business anthropology uses qualitative and ethnographic methods as an alternative to more formal methodologies. Specific tools include participant observation, informal and structured interviews, and other “naturalistic”, informal, and face-to-face methods of investigation. Business anthropologists play a key role in developing culturally sensitive policies and strategies in a world increasingly typified by cross-cultural contacts.

Indexing Information

Articles from the International Journal of Business Anthropology can be found in

  • PROQUEST-Entrepreneurship Studies Source
  • EBSCO-Entrepreneurship
  • Google Scholar
  • Ulrichs Web
  • The Australian Research Council Index

Impact Information

North American Business Press uses the h-index to measure the impact of its research. We chose this approach  as the ISI (Thomson Reuters) citation approach only includes journals listed within their proprietary database. The h-index uses Google Scholar which is a better representation of all published work and we believe it is the direction of the future. 
The h-index is an easy to understand method, proposed by Jorge E. Hirsch, to quantitatively measure the impact of a particular researcher or academic journal. For example, a journal has an h-index of 5, if, during the years 2016 and 2017, five of the total papers published during those years were each cited at least five times. The selection of the years 2016 and 2017 allows for an extra full year (2018) to account for the typical delay in the publication of research, and therefore in the production of new citations. 

The 2018 h-index for the International Journal of Business Anthropology is 14.

As a point of comparison, the 2018 h-index for the Journal of Marketing Management is 8,
and the 2010 h-index for the Journal of Applied Business Research is 2.