The Impact of Covid19 on Traditional Higher Education in Ecuador


  • Eduardo Fabio Henríquez-Mendoza Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Yovany Salazar Estrada Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Franklin Gustavo Santín-Picoita Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • Juan Carlos Morales Intriago Universidad Técnica de Manabí
  • Yasselle Torres Herrera Pontificia Universidad Cátolica del Ecuador



higher education, virtual education, digital, learning, method


COVID19 forced the educational processes to a radical change. The face-to-face classes suddenly went virtual. This coup challenged teachers and their classroom methodologies to new forms of virtual / digital interaction. The jump generated a significant change that we have not yet managed to measure. For this reason, the present study focuses on analyzing and reflecting on how higher education teachers in Ecuador have assumed the educational changes from the face-to-face model to the virtual / digital mode in the current pandemic context, highlighting the level of familiarity with ICT. Methodologically, the study describes and compares, through the teachers' testimony, the difficulties, strategies and opportunities that they experienced with their students in virtual / digital learning environments. The results identify the most important problems and aspects when teaching distance classes in the face of virtual / digital learning environments. In conclusion, it reflects on the shortcomings and weaknesses of our preparation as teachers. It also points out how the current crisis visualizes the precariousness of the national educational system itself.




How to Cite

Henríquez-Mendoza, E. F., Estrada, Y. S., Santín-Picoita, F. G., Intriago, J. C. M., & Herrera, Y. T. (2022). The Impact of Covid19 on Traditional Higher Education in Ecuador. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(4).


