Formation of Literary Competence of Junior Schoolchildren by ICT Tools


  • Andriana Shyshak Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
  • Nataliia Ratushniak Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
  • Volodymyr Chaika Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
  • Yuliia Petrytsa Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
  • Mariana Matskiv Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University



higher education, analysis of a literary work (literary writing), tools for developing the perception of literature, information and communication technologies (ICTs), literary competence, literary concepts, multimedia tools


The purpose of the academic paper lies in studying and providing an analysis of scientists’ viewpoints, as well as opinions of primary school teachers and parents of education seekers regarding the features of developing literary competence of junior schoolchildren with the help of information and communication technologies.

In the course of the research, an analytical method was used to study and process scientific literature on the development of students’ literary competence and the use of ICT in primary classes of general educational establishments, as well as a remote survey in order to fulfil the practical clarification of the features of developing literary competence of junior schoolchildren through the use of certain information and communication technologies.

Based on the results of the research conducted, the features of the process of formation and the effectiveness of using various types of ICTs for the development of individual components of the literary competence of education seekers in primary school were determined.




How to Cite

Shyshak, A., Ratushniak, N., Chaika, V., Petrytsa, Y., & Matskiv, M. (2023). Formation of Literary Competence of Junior Schoolchildren by ICT Tools. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 23(1).


