An Overview of How STEM-LW (Local Wisdom) Research Influences Character Over Time: An In-Depth Review with Bibliometric Analysis


  • Syubhan Annur Semarang State University
  • Ani Rusilawati Semarang State University
  • . Supriyadi Semarang State University
  • Woro Sumarni Semarang State University
  • Gulzhaina K. Kassymova Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation



higher education, bibliometrics, depth review, STEM-LW, character


The use of STEM approaches based on local wisdom is a trend in itself in the multicultural country of Indonesia. The collaboration between the two became one of the builders in strengthening character building strategies with the STEM-LW relationship. This study aims to see the direction of the trend of STEM-LW character research over time. This research is an in-depth literature study research using bibliometric analysis techniques. The stages in the implementation include preparation, data collection, data management, data extraction, data visualization, and data conclusion drawing. Analysis techniques using manual investigations and bibliometric analysis with the help of supporting software Publish or Perish, Reference Manager Zotero, and VOS viewers. The results showed of 750 total publications in the period 2007-2002 which came from 3 indexers. The total articles after submission were 467 articles that met the requirements with STEM-LW character keyword. journal articles are predominantly from Indonesia with three developmental periods, namely the pioneer period, the development period, and the stable period. Development being the top item that appears most often in the article, and perception is the relevant palng item. The direction of STEM-LW character research is towards education, including development, analysis and implementation in learning. Development research trends are in item analysis, effectiveness, ability, impact, creativity, and stem approach. The clusters that are most often used as side topics in research are class I and II. No impact emphasizes STEM-LW on character.


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How to Cite

Annur, S., Rusilawati, A., Supriyadi, ., Sumarni, W., & Kassymova, G. K. (2024). An Overview of How STEM-LW (Local Wisdom) Research Influences Character Over Time: An In-Depth Review with Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(4).


