Bringing the World to a Rural Campus


  • Michael Fields Eastern Oregon University



higher education, global competence, intercultural competence, internationalization, cultural competence, rural universities, cultural mentoring


In July 2021 the United States Department of State and United States Department of Education released a joint statement on the need for higher education to be global. At rural universities across our nation this can be a challenge. One method to globalize the curriculum and experience of students is to utilize the international students studying on your campus. In the fall 2019 this method was used for a cultural mentoring project pairing international MBA students with undergraduate students in an introductory course. This led to student sharing their experiences and cultural exchanges increasing the global and intercultural competence of all the students involved.


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How to Cite

Fields, M. (2024). Bringing the World to a Rural Campus. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(6).


