The Impact of Using Online Training Internship on Special Education Students at King Khalid University During the Coronavirus Pandemic


  • Sereen Talal Al Bakri King Khalid University



higher education, field training, virtual training, coronavirus pandemic, narrative study


This study aimed to uncover challenges faced by students transitioning from field training to virtual training due to primary school closures amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It also sought to explore the emotions of female students during virtual training and their satisfaction levels. Employing a narrative design within the qualitative method, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews, including individual written interviews and focus groups. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the results. The study included 28 first-semester students in the academic year 2021, with 12 participating in individual written interviews and 7 in the focus group. The results revealed numerous challenges stemming from the transition, such as the closure of primary schools, hindering access to specialized teachers, and the difficulty in finding suitable substitutes for teaching children with learning difficulties. Additionally, there was a notable inability to obtain authorization to teach children with learning difficulties remotely.


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How to Cite

Al Bakri, S. T. (2024). The Impact of Using Online Training Internship on Special Education Students at King Khalid University During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(6).


