Preservice Teachers’ Experiences for Engaging Diverse Families for Student Learning During Fieldwork


  • Neelofer Tajani University of Houston – Clear Lake



higher education, family engagement, field experience, teacher education, preservice teachers


The study focused on examining how preservice teachers reflect and understand family engagement practices during fieldwork. The pre-service teachers submitted survey responses to further understand developing teachers’ experiences within a culturally, ethnically, linguistically and economically diverse setting. The study found that programs should carefully consider the field placements of students to ensure schools provide examples of appropriate interaction for family engagement. Placement within a diverse district does not ensure exposure to appropriate interaction with diverse families. Additionally, teacher education programs should determine and set an acceptable rate of understanding for all concepts and frequently check student learning at a program level to ensure students meet this standard.


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How to Cite

Tajani, N. (2024). Preservice Teachers’ Experiences for Engaging Diverse Families for Student Learning During Fieldwork. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(5).


