Teaching as Dwelling Between Two Worlds: Reflection of Being an Educator in the Post-Pandemic Era


  • Patricia Liu Baergen Thompson Rivers University




higher edcation, curriculum, teaching, technology, post COVID-19, Martin Heidegger


This paper discusses the impact of COVID-19 on education, focusing on the rapid shift to online learning. It raises concerns about the ethical implications of AI-generated writing and critiques the dominance of technocratic rationality in education. Drawing from Ted Tetsuo Aoki and Martin Heidegger’s works, it explores the notion of technology, poetic dwelling, and the educators’ beingness in a post-pandemic era. This paper challenges instrumental views on curriculum, teaching, and technology through personal reflections and theoretical analysis, advocating for an existential and poetic understanding. This paper urges rethinking educational practices to embrace human complexity and foster genuine engagement with knowledge.


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How to Cite

Liu Baergen, P. (2024). Teaching as Dwelling Between Two Worlds: Reflection of Being an Educator in the Post-Pandemic Era. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(5). https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v24i5.7075


