Enduring the COVID-19 Pandemic at a Major Research University
Higher Education, COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer, Moderna, Kennesaw State UniversityAbstract
This descriptive study provides insights into the perceptions associated with the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s impact on degree progression, and protocols that a major R2 research university community would like to see remain in place once the pandemic ends. A Qualtrics survey was used to draw responses from the community. Our research findings conclude that: 1) Responses were mixed concerning KSU doing a good job in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, 2) The majority of student responses felt that transitioning to online course delivery did not adversely impact their degree progression, 3) Whereas vaccine availability and testing were what most impressed respondents about KSU’s handling of the pandemic, the discontinuation of a mask mandate after the Summer 2020 semester is what least impressed respondents, and 4) The ability to work remotely was the most popular protocol that respondents preferred to see remain in place after the pandemic ends.
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