Correlational Analysis on Mathematical Disposition and Mathematical Achievement Among Selected Senior High School Students at San Jose City National High School
higher education, mathematical disposition, self-efficacy, math as sensible component, mathematical perseverance, mathematical achievementAbstract
This study explored the relationship between mathematical disposition and achievement among senior high school students. It examined the influence of socio-demographic factors and students' perceived mathematical disposition, including self-efficacy, perseverance, and the perception of math as sensible, on their mathematical performance. Guided by Mikaguchi's Theory of Value, Disposition, and Identity, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Evaluation Standard and Identity, the study utilized a descriptive-correlational research approach with a stratified random sample of 306 students from San Jose City High School. Data were collected through an online survey and analyzed using JAMOVI. The findings revealed a significant positive correlation between mathematical disposition and achievement. Furthermore, mother's educational attainment, occupation, and monthly income exhibited negative but significant relationships with mathematics achievement. The study emphasizes the importance of students' beliefs in their mathematical abilities and the influence of socio-economic factors on their performance. Recommendations are provided to further strengthen the understanding of these relationships and inform educational practices.
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