Optimizing Performance, Well-Being and Well-Doing: A Leader Practice-Oriented Approach
leadership, accountability, ethics, leader, optimize, practices, key results-impacts, performance, well-being, well-doingAbstract
Performance, well-being, and well-doing are foundational key results that leaders need to be held accountable for and encouraged to assess, optimize and evaluate. This foundational, interdependent and synergistic triad of vital organizational key results is advanced when leaders effectively execute the practices associated with optimizing these results for positive impact. A practice-oriented approach is offered to help leaders optimize performance, well-being, and well-doing. After presenting a Leader Performance Well-Being Well-Doing Cycle, and some benefits associated with this framework, a five-step process for applying this approach is provided. Some challenges are also offered, including having leaders consider how their Internal Operating System (IOS) positively or negatively impacts their and others’ performance, well-being, and well doing.