Zillow Group, Inc.: Changing the Way Americans Buy Homes


  • David Lynn Hoffman Metropolitan State University – Denver
  • Debora J. Gilliard Metropolitan State University – Denver
  • Sally Baalbaki-Yassine Metropolitan State University – Denver




marketing, development, Zillow, disruptive innovation, online listing of residential real estate


This case explores the rise of Zillow from its inception to its disruption of the mature real estate industry. Starting from a platform deriving income from advertising fees, it has grown into three business segments: Home Sales, Internet, Media, and Technology (IMT), and Zestimate. While the brand, Zillow, is synonymous with real estate, its disruption has opened the door for other innovators to enter the market. The case allows students to understand the role of a disruptor, examine market forces, and recommend what a successful cutting-edge technology company should do in the future.


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How to Cite

Hoffman, D. L., Gilliard, D. J., & Baalbaki-Yassine, S. (2024). Zillow Group, Inc.: Changing the Way Americans Buy Homes. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 18(3). https://doi.org/10.33423/jmdc.v18i3.7152


