Data Mining Based Crime Analysis Mapping and Intrusion Detection


  • Biswajit Panja Eastern Michigan University
  • Priyanka Meharia Eastern Michigan University
  • Keerthi Mannem Eastern Michigan University



data mining, data security, user privacy, supervised learning, unsupervised learning


Data Mining plays a key role in Crime Analysis. There are many different algorithms mentioned in previous research papers, among them are the virtual identifier, pruning strategy, support vector machines, and apriori algorithms. VID is to find relation between record and vid. The apriori algorithm helps the fuzzy association rules algorithm and it takes around six hundred seconds to detect a mail bomb attack. In this research paper, we identified Crime mapping analysis based on KNN (K – Nearest Neighbor) and ANN (Artificial Neural Network) algorithms to simplify this process. Crime Mapping is conducted and Funded by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). Evidence based research helps in analyzing the crimes. We calculate the crime rate based on the previous data using data mining techniques. Crime Analysis uses quantitative and qualitative data in combination with analytic techniques in resolving the cases. For public safety purposes, the crime mapping is an essential research area to concentrate on. We can identity the most frequently crime occurring zones with the help of data mining techniques. In Crime Analysis Mapping, we follow the following steps in order to reduce the crime rate:

  1. Collect crime data
  2.  Group data
  3. Clustering
  4. Forecasting the data.

Crime Analysis with crime mapping helps in understanding the concepts and practice of Crime Analysis in assisting police and helps in reduction and prevention of crimes and crime disorders.




How to Cite

Panja, B., Meharia, P., & Mannem, K. (2020). Data Mining Based Crime Analysis Mapping and Intrusion Detection. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 15(6).


