Removing Barriers to Degree Completion: The Dennis-Montagnino TEAMS Model for Student-Centered Transfer Credit


  • Michelle Dennis National University
  • Christa Montagnino Champlain College



innovation, sustainability, transfer credit, college credit, equity, college students, transfer policies, degree completion


This paper presents the development of a comprehensive framework from which to engage with the process of college transfer credit. The Dennis-Montagnino Transparency, Empowerment, Attainability, Mentorship, and Sustainability (TEAMS) Model provides guidelines for the development of clear and accessible policy that serves to empower students and institutions alike. Further, the model outlines effective practices for improving the attainability of credit through streamlined and engaging practices, such as mentorship. Sustainability is discussed in the context of relevant innovations in the higher education landscape. Future directions, including the design and implementation of a pilot are discussed.


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How to Cite

Dennis, M., & Montagnino, C. (2024). Removing Barriers to Degree Completion: The Dennis-Montagnino TEAMS Model for Student-Centered Transfer Credit. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 19(2).


