Hacking Entrepreneurship Pedagogy With Near-Peer Mentoring at UC Berkeley


  • A. Balaraman University of California-Berkeley
  • J. Finalyson University of California-Berkeley
  • K. Singer University of California-Berkeley
  • D. Tang University of California-Berkeley
  • G. Fakoukaki University of California-Berkeley




innovation, sustainability, entrepreneurship, pedagogy, mentorship embedded in instruction, student diversity, interdisciplinary, near-peer mentorship, innovators-in-residence


The productivity of an entrepreneurship program is assessed by its socio-economic impact, not just graduation rates. A study at UC Berkeley used social cognitive measures to evaluate the program, focusing on ethics and near-peer mentoring. Students present innovations addressing social issues.

Social Cognitive Career Theory examines career development through social cognition, considering individual traits and environmental influences. The research employed pre- and post-program surveys to assess entrepreneurial self-efficacy and education effectiveness, with 25% and 34% improvements respectively. Adapted from prior studies, the measures for self-efficacy and learning were calibrated at the program's start and end. Entrepreneurial pedagogy should address ethics, risk-taking, and success/failure patterns with near-peer mentors like Innovators-in-Residence. This study aims to enhance entrepreneurship education for a more impactful transformation of capitalism and social entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Balaraman, A., Finalyson, J., Singer, K., Tang, D., & Fakoukaki, G. (2024). Hacking Entrepreneurship Pedagogy With Near-Peer Mentoring at UC Berkeley. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 19(2). https://doi.org/10.33423/jsis.v19i2.7195


