Digital Transformation of Organizations and Their Organizational Cultures: A Case Study in a National Defense Industry


  • Spyridon Kapotas Hellenic Open University



innovation, sustainability, digital transformation, digitalization process, digital strategy, organizational culture change, vision and mission statement


Digital transformation is essential for organizations to gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-changing environment. It involves a radical shift in products, services, people, and processes to enhance performance, posing a significant challenge. This paper explores digital transformation within a national defense company, which already upholds high-quality standards and a strong culture—key factors in facilitating digital transformation. The literature on organizational digital transformation and its benefits is reviewed, and the digitalization process is analyzed to outline the steps needed for transformation. A crucial prerequisite is cultivating an adaptive, high-performance culture, which requires assessing the current organizational state and implementing necessary actions. This paper presents an assessment of the company and proposes actions for cultural and digital transformation. The inextricable link between digital transformation and organizational culture change is highlighted, along with the benefits, barriers, and strategic proposals for digital strategy, vision, and mission.


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How to Cite

Kapotas, S. (2024). Digital Transformation of Organizations and Their Organizational Cultures: A Case Study in a National Defense Industry. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 19(3).


